DMCA Notices protects and respects intellectual property. Although highly unlikely, if you find any of your work or parts of your work on, you can send us a claim of copyright infringement, better known as a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notice. You can send this notice to the following entity:
Email Address: contact (at) couponsolver (dot) com.
In order to receive total attention, your notification has to include:
a statement showing that you own exclusive rights to any infringed property
a legal certified statement showing that the notification is precise and accurate, according to reality
your full name and signature
the full and exact copyrighted material which was infringed on this site, together with the exact location of this content on (URL address, location on page, and so on)
your complete contact information, including your address, phone/fax number and email address will respond in a timely manner to any DMCA notice, and if your notification proves to be legit, will take action toward eliminating any specific piece of content, as soon as possible.