What You Need to Know About 23andMe.com

Personal has been around for a while, with many different companies offering the service at varying rates and accuracy levels. Without a doubt, one of the best businesses that offer personal genomic testing as well as other related services is 23andMe.com

is a biotechnology company that was founded by Anne Wojcicki and Linda Avey. The company mainly provides personal genomic testing, analyzing, and research services, and is located in Mountain View, California. The two founders decided to start the company after realizing that there lacked a clear way to both types of research, organize, and utilize genetic information. They also wanted to provide a way for non-business consumers to be able to use genetic information analyzed by experts in the field, as well as innovate genomic testing research methods. Named after the number of pairs of chromosomes in a regular human cell, their trademark service is rapid genetic testing with their personal genome test kit being named Time magazine’s 2008 “Invention of the Year.”

At their core, the company provides DNA analysis to those seeking to learn more about themselves. The specific way that they go about doing this is rather detailed but relatively straight-forward. Essentially what happens is the 23andMe laboratory receives a person’s sample. Going forward from there they extract the DNA and replicate it many times until there is enough content to be accurately genotyped. The actual process is, of course, much more complicated than that, but that is all you need to know about it. After genotyping a person’s DNA, they then upload the analyzed information to their website where the individual can access it.

Personal Services Offered by 23andMe

The primary service that 23andMe provides to consumers is the analyzing and implanting of their genetic data in various ways. Their website offers ways that people can connect with others according to commonalities found between their genetic information. Apart from genomic testing and analyzing, 23andMe.com also provides its users with the most up-to-date literature in the biomedical field so that they can better understand how scientific breakthroughs personally affect them. If you want to give their services a try here is a to use.

Services for the Healthcare Industry Provided by 23andMe

Even though the company’s main calling card is their personal genomic testing kit and other services offered to individuals, they also provide services to the healthcare industry as well. According to their website they provide research, clinical development, and commercialization services to companies operating in the health sector.

Some of the benefits that a company would receive by utilizing the 23andMe genomic platform into their clinical research include the enabling of developers to analyze specific individual responses to treatments on a larger scale than normal. As well as offering the participants of the research studies an experience that is uniquely centered on them, the patient. According to the 23andMe website, their service in the context of the healthcare industry allows companies to gain knowledge on disease biology, increase patient timelines while also reducing risk, and offer patients a level of personalization in regards to treatment and care that is unmatched. Conclusions

Ultimately, 23andMe is a service that thousands of people have found incredibly useful in their lives. Although there are many similar companies, there are none quite like 23andMe. The company offers people the chance to find about more about their respective hidden pasts that have remained hidden in their DNA, as well as learn how that information can be used to better their lives in the present. Having won Time magazine’s “Invention of the Year” in 2008 just two years after being initially founded, it is apparent that the company is obviously doing something right and that people enjoy using their offered services.