LifeLock Speaker Series Educates About Identity Theft

Nearly 15 million people in the United States fall victim to , making it the nation’s number one crime. Altogether, it adds up to fraud in an amount of tens of billions of dollars annually. Yet many of us don’t know the first thing about how our personal data can be compromised or used for fraudulent purposes. The industry leader in proactive identity theft protection, LifeLock, is setting out to remedy that. Early in 2010 LifeLock established the , a series of free educational seminars on identity theft issues and trends. The program has already reached more than 4,500 individuals in 20 states, with special presentations geared to senior citizens, students, law enforcement, businesses groups and more.

The programs are designed to help people become aware of the latest identity theft trends, the risks associated with the crime, and the steps everyone should take in order to minimize the risks of being victimized.

There are many ways in which criminals obtain personal information or documents in order to commit identity fraud, including old fashioned methods such as rummaging through trash, stealing mail or checks, or researching public records. Of course much identity fraud is now perpetrated using the Internet or other digital resources. The specific methods and trends do change over time, and being aware of the most prevalent schemes can help people take precautions to limit their exposure. The more information a person has about identity theft, the less likely he or she will be to become a victim.

Each seminar in the LifeLock Speaker Series is presented by a Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist and is customized to fit the needs of the group being educated.

Those interested in finding out more about the LifeLock Speaker Series can e-mail  or contact LifeLock by telephone at (480) 457-2032.

Protecting your identity in the digital age means more than just shredding documents. If you’re interested in trying out LifeLock’s proactive identity protection services, MEVIO offers savings on your subscription with the coupons listed on our site. Take a look at their advanced Identity Theft Protection system, backed by a $1,000,000 service guarantee. Apply “an ounce of prevention” to protect your good name today.